Wednesday, October 26, 2011

An Amish birth

Today was the due date of the very first Amish family that I am blessed with being their birth assistant!  So I guess she is now "over due" in medical terms.  She is so small, you can barely tell she is pregnant.  I met with them just 3 weeks ago.  In Nebraska, if you want a home birth, you cannot have a CNM attend.  It is illegal for them to practice homebirths.  BUT anyone else can.  THAT is messed up!  So I have made it my priviledge to assist these families in having home births with my knowledge (which isn't THAT much, but something) and experience to more safely deliver these babies.  At least they don't have to be alone!  I will keep you updated on how this goes.  They don't have electricity...have to hook up the horse and cart to get to a phone to call me...I am 1 1/2 hour away from them.   hmmmm  I hope it happens during the day.  Dear Lord, PLEASE let this baby come during the day!